
Video & Projection Design for Opera

In Frida, the renowned painter’s life is brought to vivid musical and visual life, from her teenage embrace of revolutionary politics through to her early death. Through music, monologue, dance and visual spectacle, the opera presents a dream-like parade of events that defined Frida’s legacy, including a violent bus accident early in life and her stormy relationship with fellow artistic firebrand Diego Rivera.

The video design featured a series of documentary moments juxtaposed with a bespoke animation vocabulary that endowed Frida with the ability to real-time paint her surroundings in order to move seamlessly between reality and a theatrical dream space.

Production History
El Paso Opera | El Paso, TX | 2022

Creative Team
Music by Xavier Rodríguez
Book by Hilary Blecher
Lyrics and Monologues by Migdalia Cruz
Directed by Justin Lucero
Scenic Design: Afsaneh Aayani
Lighting Design: Marissa A. Díaz
Video and Projection Design: Adam J. Thompson